Robocorp raises $5.4 million ahead of summer GA release

Today we're pleased to share that Robocorp has closed a new $5.4 million round of funding from our existing investors Benchmark, Slow Ventures, and firstminute Capital

April 19, 2021

Since we launched our early access in April, our team has been hard at work supporting our early customers, and building and optimizing our suite of tools for developers.

With this additional funding, we're continuing to invest in the growth of our team and prepare for the launch of general availability later this summer, which will provide the Robocorp Suite in a self-service model, meaning customers can start using it immediately with no waiting lists or added friction. For those of you who haven't participated in our early access program, here's a sneak peek of what you can expect with our upcoming product launch:

Build, Learn and Run on the Robocorp Suite

The Robocorp Suite is comprised of 3 key products:

  • Build with Robocode -- Robocode is our developer studio built to natively support and leverage the Robot Framework ecosystem. It consists of a development platform (Robocode Lab), code editor extensions (Robocode for VSCode), and command-line tools. At Robocorp, we believe that the tools for building software robots should be freely available to every developer and that RPA needs an open ecosystem instead of hundreds of walled gardens. For this reason, Robocorp is committed to releasing Robocode as open-source software.
  • These resources will be made publicly available this summer with our GA release and open-sourced in the coming months after that. The foundation of Robocorp's technology, RPA Framework and Robot Framework, is already open-source.
  • Learn on Robohub -- In addition to building developer tools, Robocorp is creating a constantly growing repository of learning materials and documentation for software robot developers on Robohub. These resources are freely available and can be used by developers to learn about Software Robots and RPA.
  • Run with Robocloud -- Robocloud is a cloud-native platform for operating Software Robots, which enables developers to run and control Software Robots in any environment - either on the cloud or locally. At launch, Robocloud will include a free developer tier and a number of monthly subscription options.

We can't wait to get The Robocorp Suite into the hands of developers everywhere, so follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to learn more - and sign-up for our newsletter to be among the first to learn about our updates in real-time.

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