Partner Profile: Quandri

Quandri specializes in bringing automation to businesses throughout the United States and Canada.

September 14, 2021Robocorp

Robocorp relies on its partners to reach end users and to implement our technology. Robocorp’s global network of Partners have expertise in a variety of target applications and industries. 

For businesses interested in leveraging the power of our automation platform, Robocorp recommends connecting with one of our partners. In this Partner Profile series, we introduce you to our partners and their work. And now it’s time to meet Quandri.

Who is Quandri? 

Founded by brothers Jackson Fregeau and Jamieson Fregeau, the Vancouver-based Quandri aims to automate monotonous, repetitive tasks that cost companies, time, resources, and capital. 

In their own words, Quandri is “digitizing the boring, administrative work that humans don’t like and shouldn’t be doing, and freeing them up to focus on more valuable work.” Quandri has their sights set on a variety of projects, but their case study with Cornerstone Insurance Services is an example of their work with a specific insurance brokerage that had employees manually downloading hundreds of policies, categorizing and renaming them, and assigning follow up activities.

These administrative tasks can cost anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, not counting the cost of human error!

Why Quandri Chose Robocorp’s Technology 

Quandri ended up creating an unattended bot, which was built to navigate the logic of understanding and make categorization decisions from over 100 types of policies to choose from. In a nutshell? They knew ahead of time this bot would be a complex one, and they needed a responsive, adaptive technology that would cover multiple functions and tasks.

Specifically, after evaluating other generation-1 vendors like UiPath, they found that Robocorp’s solution better met their needs because: 

  • It’s straightforward and easy to use. In their own words, “it allows developers to do what they do best - code,” without boxing them in. 
  • The pricing makes economic sense. By paying per use, Quandri found that Robocorp’s solution slotted in perfectly with both their needs and their clients’ needs. 
  • Robocorp offers superior support channels. Quandri knew they wanted to roll out these solutions quickly and effectively, so their bot could get to work learning and optimizing its functions. Robocorp’s speedy response times helped launch their bot within 5 weeks. 

Reactions from Quandri’s Customers

Cornerstone Insurance Services reported that the results of this automation “far exceeded our expectations” - specifically, they were able to: 

  • Experience greater accuracy on a repetitive, high volume task 
  • Dedicate one full time position to more meaningful work 
  • Avoid the struggles, turnover, and cost associated with high employee turnover in this position 
  • Save $27,000 per year on this process
  • Reduce processing time by 88%

"We can see a long-lasting and continued relationship with Quandri," said Brock Longworth, COO of Cornerstone Insurance. "Their ability to take any pain point and offer a solution is truly incredible."

Robocorp recognizes Quandri for their innovation and their tenacity as a startup in the robots-as-a-service space. To learn more about Quandri, visit their website

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