
Bringing the Power of Python to Robocorp's Gen2 RPA

Come see our team set up and run a Python bot on Robocorp’s RPA solution and then take a second robot framework bot and add it into a Python library! The majority of this webinar will be spent live coding in VS Code IDE.

According to IEEE, Python is the most widely used programming language. It's ease of use and extensive library makes it the de-facto standard for development. With such flexibility, it is no wonder that it is also sneaking into the world of Robot Process Automation. Combining it with Robot Framework, you get an even more powerful tool for creating automations that makes your life as a developer easier as well as meet business owner's changing needs.


Technical Account Manager, Robocorp

Tim Lopas

Technical Account Manager, Robocorp

Head of Customer Success, Robocorp

Eric Hanson

Head of Customer Success, Robocorp

Techincal Account Manager, Robocorp

Blake Waud

Techincal Account Manager, Robocorp