Automated data aggregation from web scraping

From travel sites to e-commerce, financial markets, and beyond, there is an endless supply of information from publicly available websites and databases that can be aggregated and repurposed on your own site. And it can all be done automatically.

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Lean Automation

1. Crawl websites

To look up the latest data

2. Extract data

From publicly available data set

3. Transfer data

Into your database or repository

4. Sort and analyze data

In format to be republished

5. Publish final content

On your website or dashboard

Publish that’s always up-to-date

The public databases you pull information from may be updated daily, hourly, or even by the minute. If you want to aggregate and republish this data, you have two options: have an employee review the sites multiple times per day while becoming an expert in copy/paste, or let a digital worker handle the entire process for you.

When you automate the process, you know that you will have the most up-to-date information on your site while sparing your team from the headaches that come with the manual work.

Scrape, aggregate, analyze, publish, repeat.

Providing insightful analysis requires current and accurate data. Automatically scraping raw data from publicly available websites gives you access to the most up-to-date information in a format that you can use. There are countless uses of web scraping for data aggregation, but a few common examples include:

1. Pull statistics from government websites in different regions to make comparisons and identify trends.

2. Publish the latest price information and product availability across multiple e-commerce sites

3. Check availability for flights, hotels, cars, and tours from travel sites in real time.

Whether you pull data from a single source to analyze and republish it, or you aggregate data from multiple sites for comparison and analysis, letting digital workers handle the heavy lifting will save you countless hours.

How web scraping and data aggregation automation works

Once the robots are built, they go to work scraping, analyzing, and publishing the data for you. While this example uses RabbitMQ, Robocorp’s RPA technology can be paired with the database or platform of your choice.

Crawl websites for updated data

The bots can be scheduled to visit specific sites as often as you choose.

Extract raw data

From multiple sources in its original format.

Transfer data

The bots write the raw data into the database or spreadsheet of your choice.

Sort and analyze data

Identify trends, compare time periods, and provide other valuable analysis of the data.

Publish final data

Push the data live on your website through RabbitMQ or other database.

Systems automated

Web browser


Website or dashboard

Benefits of web scraping and data aggregation

Provide valuable insight

Be the one-stop shop that your readers and customers are looking for. Publishing data that you have aggregated from multiple sources is a valuable service to offer, particularly if you are providing analysis of the data.

Save time and eliminate errors

If an employee is repeatedly visiting websites to copy and paste data, there is a chance that they will find the work to be mundane, and that they will make errors. Aggregate the data automatically, and save the human talents for the data analysis.