Automated web scraping for email content curation

The idea of finding and sending personalized resources and content to your entire email list may sound appealing, but repeatedly searching websites for certain data is a tedious process. Let the bots find, scrape, aggregate, and distribute the data for you.

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Lean Automation

1. Crawl websites

To search for certain content

2. Extract data

From the website itself or from PDFs on the site

3. Classify and sort data

Based on pre-set rules

4. Match data with CRM records

Using data filters in CRM

5. Send emails

Based on the matched data

Immediately aggregate and distribute information

The process of searching for and aggregating information across various websites is slow, tedious, and redundant. Depending on how much data you compile, this can take hours of an employee’s time each week, not to mention the risk of errors that can take place in the copy/paste process. Unleash digital workers to handle the web scraping, and let your human workers focus on more interesting work.

Custom curate content with web scraping

In some cases, you’ll want to scrape the raw data and feed it into a database for analysis. In others, you’ll want to download files or aggregate information and republish it with the original links. Regardless of how you use it, web scraping can automate the manual process. A few examples of uses of web scraping include:

1. Exporting publicly available datasets

2. Comparing prices across ecommerce sites

3. Aggregating news stories and event calendars

The actual web scraping is just the beginning, as there are many options of what to do with the data after it has been pulled from its original website. One of these options is to automatically curate the content and distribute the information by email.

How data scraping and email distribution automation works

Once the robots are built, they go to work scraping, sorting, and distributing the data.

Crawl websites to find relevant data

The bots can be scheduled to visit specific sites at a certain day and time, as often as you choose.

Identify and export data

Once they find the data that falls within the criteria you set, the bots can export it into a database or spreadsheet.

Classify and sort the data

With a series of if-then statements, the bots classify each row of data to fit categories of your choice—geography, industry, or otherwise.

Match data with CRM records

With the exported data classified, the bots can then search your CRM for records that match the data’s categories.

Send emails

The matched data provides custom and personalized content for your readers, prospects, and customers.

Systems automated

Web browser

Spreadsheet or database


Benefits of web scraping and email distribution

Convert your prospects and wow your customers

With so many emails in our inboxes, it’s important to make yours stand out. The more relevant the contents of an email, the more the reader will engage with it. Higher email engagement leads to more meetings and happy customers.

Expand your team’s capabilities

If you’re sending regular email correspondence to your list, your team spends time compiling content to send. What if you could find the most relevant content in even less time? With the web scraping automation, you can.