Automated month-end financial reporting

Keep your financials up-to-date and accurate. Let your software robot eliminate accounting bottlenecks, expedite review processes, and flag mistakes in a tenth of the time.

1. Log in to accounting platform

Bot securely accesses your business’ accounting platform or ERP

2. Confirm data is present

Bot ensures data pertaining to desired reports is available and accessible

3. Run reports

Bot runs selected reports—P+L, balance sheet, and more—for specified period of time

4. Download data

These reports are converted to PDF or Excel, depending on organizational preference

5. Consolidate reports

Bot merges reports into a single file for easy review and distribution

6. Distribute reports

Bot then forwards reports to appropriate accounting team members for review

Streamline report generation and distribution

Completing a month-end report is critical to keeping accounting statements updated. Unfortunately, way too much time is spent on busywork. Finding and checking relevant data, consolidating it into a more consumable format, and compiling it into a single, distributable document are all labor-intensive tasks that cost your organization time, capital, and opportunity. Let a software bot take care of all these inefficiencies in minutes - not hours - so you can free up resources for other key responsibilities.

Easier, more efficient month-end financial reporting

Common culprits of low productivity and worker dissatisfaction are repeat, boring tasks that consume too much time and energy. In other words: the preparation stage of month end financial reporting.

So why not get the best out of your workers? Software bots spit out ready-made, easy to analyze reports in 1/10 of the time it takes an employee to complete the same process. By having these key reports at their fingertips, your team can immediately get to work reviewing errors, reconciling any inconsistencies, and balancing your accounts.

How month-end reporting automation works

Once your robots are built, they get to work accomplishing the following:

Logging in to your accounting software

Your bot immediately and securely accesses your accounting software or ERP and ensures that all data for the desired period of time is there.

Running select reports

Whatever reports your team is after - whether it be profit and loss variance, balance sheets, cash balance reports, or something else - your bot starts collecting and gathering data for. Bot then runs selected reports (such as P+L, balance sheet, cash balance report, and more) for specified period of time.

Compiling data and consolidating reports

Bot converts reports to PDF or excel, and consolidates them into manageable files for easy review and distribution by your team.

Sending the reports to the right stakeholders

Bot then forwards reports to appropriate team members for review.

Systems automated

Accounting platform or ERP



Benefits of automated month-end financial reporting

Eliminate busywork and save time

What previously took multiple team members half a day to complete, now takes your software robot less than an hour. You can then dedicate these freed up hours to other important projects that actually move the needle for your organization.

Improve employee satisfaction

Happy employees are more productive employees. By eliminating time-consuming, mundane tasks, you lower the chances of employee turnover, and increase your worker output in the process.