Eliminate Employee Burnout - Automate Your Court Filings

Court filings don’t have to be time consuming or expensive. Let your software robot increase productivity, boost revenue, reduce risk of human error, and help you scale with the push of a button.

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BHFE Solutions

Reduce manual labor by 95% and scale up with less effort

Court filings are a tedious task, and even the most experienced paralegal can take up to an hour or more per filing. With dozens or even hundreds of case filings each month, the time and cost associated with this task add up fast.

A robot enables you to recapture lost time and money by reducing resources spent on court filings by 95%. Do you want to grow your practice? No problem. Simply scale up your capacity while allowing your employees to do more meaningful work.

The new way to handle court filing

Burnout is a real risk for law practices. An easy way to keep your people happy is to give them more satisfying work. Offloading tedious tasks, like court filings, empowers you to redeploy paralegals to higher-level work while saving money and expanding your capacity to grow.

Do you have an opportunity to take on a short-term project that would have previously required redeploying staff or hiring temporary employees? No need with software bots; instead, you can simply scale your bot up or down based on demand.

How automated court filings work

Once your robots are built, they get to work on your court filings. Workflows are customizable and flexible, but an example includes:

1. All important data from your case management system is extracted

Your bots understand exactly what needs to be extracted from your system. Best of all, accuracy is a primary goal. Your bots march seamlessly through your system to search out and capture the right data based on your custom workflow.

2. Exhibits are dynamically generated

With the right data in hand, your robots work on their next task, which is auto-generating PDFs and relevant exhibits. A time-consuming task for humans, but a fast one for bots.

3. An attorney provides their seal of approval

The robot worked quickly to assemble the right information and now presents that information to the attorney for review. Once the attorney approves the filing, the bot gets back to work.

4. The filing is submitted to the court

Exhibits are separated into their individual parts and named, and then a robot logs on to the court’s E-filing website, selects the correct options, enters all necessary information, and uploads the exhibits.

5. A report is submitted back to your firm

Your bot grabs all relevant information that the attorney requires from the court’s system and sends a detailed report back to the law firm. Mission complete.

Benefits of automated court filings

Reduce the risk of human error

Completing tasks manually introduces risk of human error, which could be minor or catastrophic depending on the nature of the error. Mitigate this risk by offloading tedious tasks, thus improving accuracy and reducing risk.

Save time and resources

Reduce manual labor by over 95% and redeploy those resources to higher-value and more profitable areas to grow your firm.

Scale your law firm fast

Capture a strategic advantage against competitors with the ability to easily scale up or down. You have an endless amount of infrastructure at your disposal – and activating it is as simple as flipping a switch.