Roth Automation, LLC

The Roth Process of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is one of tailored solutions to your business needs. IPA takes repetitive business critical tasks and activities and minimizes human error while maximizing productivity. This Business Process Automation (BPA) is the software driven organization and automation of a series of complex business critical tasks and activities. Roth Automation uses a stack of technology solutions, based on years of expertise and strong strategic partnerships, that when paired together optimize the way your lines of business operate resulting in greater efficiency and productivity.

Partner since June 2023

Location North America

Expertise Banking & Financial Services

Roth Automation, LLC

The Roth Process of Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is one of tailored solutions to your business needs. IPA takes repetitive business critical tasks and activities and minimizes human error while maximizing productivity. This Business Process Automation (BPA) is the software driven organization and automation of a series of complex business critical tasks and activities. Roth Automation uses a stack of technology solutions, based on years of expertise and strong strategic partnerships, that when paired together optimize the way your lines of business operate resulting in greater efficiency and productivity.

Why Roth Automation, LLC?

Roth Automation was formed to alleviate customer pain points through the delivery of customized Intelligent Process Automation and Content Intelligence services and solutions. Our success is defined by the efficiency and competitive advantage that clients recognize through our efforts.

We chose to partner with Robocorp because of their platform and relationship. Their platform allows our developers the greatest flexibility to develop task automation for our customers and the Robocorp team has been outstanding to work with.

Jonathan Roth
President & CEO