How Unimate RPA automated 100% of policies processed for an insurance broker


Policies processed by robots


Time savings in monitoring collections


Increase in client portfolio


in total project time


The Idealor Group is an Insurance Organization that is based on the preparation of personalized plans adjusted to the reality of each client, with special emphasis on loyalty and the generation of long-term relationships. With this task, they were looking for a solution that would allow them the necessary fluidity to keep customers updated on their coverage status in a timely manner.

The Problem

Keeping customers up to date on the status of their coverage is a simple but high-volume task that will inevitably lead to problems. Statistically, the human error rate and the inefficiencies of doing it with a person far outweigh the benefits of doing the work, so it often results in it not being done in a timely manner. What can affect delays in the processing of policies, as well as not entirely optimal communication with the client as Idealor pursues. In addition, it occupies time in a repetitive task that does not add value to the staff that performs it.

The Solution

In the first instance, define a series of communications with the client to carry out a follow-up history of each coverage. With notifications from three days prior to expiration with the sending of documentation on the status of your policy, to notifications for unpaid bills, policy cancellation and/or loss of coverage. The robot analyzes the entire client portfolio and verifies the status of each one in the system. Based on this analysis, and if the established conditions are met, the bot sends a personalized message via WhatsApp to each client with the corresponding notification.

And we couldn't stop there, the next step was to create a bot to automatically manage the status of policy renewals. And we did! The robot enters the insurance page, takes the updated information of the client (which the bot managed in the previous step) and in the corresponding section enters the status of said renewal. In the case of vehicle insurance, they have a bot, which, if necessary, asks the client for a photo of the property book to update data such as: license plate and unit registry.

The Result

The entire project , from process documentation to development and implementation, was completed in 4 weeks. The business model based on Robots as a Service was a great attraction for the Idealor Group, since they only pay for the processes they need to automate. Thus avoiding a large initial capital investment. There were also a number of long-term benefits. Like being able to reorient your team to carry out high-value work, avoiding them having to spend time on tedious and repetitive work. Because the process is completed in a timely manner, both communication with the client and the regulation of payments are carried out much faster than before.