How Robocorp Partner Teknei Deployed Client Solutions in Less Than 4 Weeks

The technology consulting company quickly delivered results for multiple clients and are finding success in aligning with Robocorp’s vision for open source RPA.


decrease in process complexity for users


reduction in operating errors


increase in process efficiency


improvement in employee satisfaction


Teknei is a technology company born in Mexico in 2010 and established in Spain in 2011. Teknei’s specialization is around four areas: Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Cyber Security, and Blockchain/Digital Identity. Their main customers are in the finance, insurance and public administration sectors.

In 2018, Teknei acquired a small company (named FSI), which specialized in RPA. FSI became the RPA division within Teknei.

Teknei is now capitalizing on the opportunity to offer a low initial investment and an attractive modern implementation structure that grows with their customers.

  • Three different systems integrated in less than 4 weeks
  • Two integrated ERPs (and more in its way) at the time this interview was published
  • Two different methods of enrollment implemented in the National Health System

The Challenge

Teknei has several SMB customers in Spain whose Human Resources departments were using time consuming and error prone processes when enrolling new employees.

Small and medium businesses hand over these new employee processes to specialized companies that do the accountancy, tax registration, and all the interactions with government departments related to new enrollments and changes in labor contracts.

These processes around labor contracts require people to interact with more than three different environments and applications. Also, 24 hours after the information is sent they have to come back to the previous system to obtain a "proof of presentation”.

Interacting within multiple systems was a huge pain for users, having to enter the same data into three different systems. It took more than five minutes for each new employee record to be added to the three systems, cumulatively there was a massive opportunity to save time and eliminate errors.

The Solution

The process Teknei implemented with Robocorp solves the issue end-to-end of these painstaking tasks. This time and cost saving automation will be used by a number of companies, run using different infrastructures, and the flexibility of Robocorp’s platform perfectly enables that.

Track and trace is essential in these kinds of processes. Also, the way you configure the steps within the process and the environments in which every step must be executed is crucial.

Robocorp Cloud allows Teknei to manage the entire process from a central repository, they can use work items to orchestrate the entire process and every step can be run in a different environment depending on the requirements.

The entire process of evaluating Robocorp, learning, and building this project took less than 4 weeks. Coding took less time but they needed to understand the Robocorp approach and how to make use of all the available libraries.

The Results

The Robocorp approach, based on work items, allowed Teknei to control new enrollments individually. The ability to track, trace and audit information about every step in every system for every new employee was very important for both Teknei as well as their customers.

As part of the project they built a new web user interface where the company enrolling the employee can enter the data and then wait for the robots to process it and return the results.

This approach frees up all that wasted time and allows the companies implementing these processes to concentrate on the more important things while handing over to the robots the repetitive, mundane, boring and error prone tasks.

This approach also allows Teknei to orchestrate all the work around more than one ERP system. External BPO’s work with more than one system and all this can be configured freeing users from manual “check and act” work.

Need help creating automation solutions with low initial investment and modern implementation that provides scalability? Contact Robocorp’s official partner Teknei and jumpstart your path to automation today!