How Quandri automated 100% of time-consuming repetitive work of daily processing thousands of insurance policies while saving costs and freeing up FTE for valuable work

The digital workforce company provides automation solutions to their clients with their “Bots-as-a-Service” implementation to reduce costs, maintain accuracy, increase efficiency and time to value, with a compelling ROI


Reduction in process time


Cost savings


Saved per month


Process Automated

Introduction: Quandri and Why Robocorp

Quandri is a Bots-as-a-Service provider based in Vancouver, Canada, founded in 2020 by two entrepreneurial brothers. They had experienced the benefits of RPA first-hand while working at another company and wanted to create a Bots-as-a-Service offering so all businesses could benefit from this kind of technology, instead of just large enterprises.

They started using UiPath, but made a switch to Robocorp relatively quickly because of the flexibility of building digital workers in Python and to leverage our consumption-based pricing model with no up-front licensing fees. It was an advantage for them to build robots from scratch themselves instead of relying on and having their technology housed in a third party like UiPath. Working in Python also opened up their talent pool to a very broad range of developers who didn’t have RPA experience.

“UiPath and other providers are built for the enterprise and are clunky.  Robocorp is modern both in platform and pricing and gives us the flexibility to build our business how we want and provide more value to customers.” - Jackson Fregeau, Co-Founder, Quandri

Robocorp’s consumption-based pricing model was also very appealing to them as it was how they wanted to charge their customers and with no up-front licensing costs, they did not need a large initial capital investment.

The Problem: Insurance policy backlog

One of Quandri’s customers, Cornerstone Insurance, had a full-time employee who was spending 6 hours every single day downloading around 300 insurance policies in their broker management system (BMS), opening up those policies, reading them, storing their contents, naming the policy and then assigning a follow-up activity for the appropriate broker. This cost Cornerstone Insurance approximately $45,000 per year.  

The delays in processing policies also hampered/decreased time to value as the brokers couldn’t get back to customers immediately. Additionally, it was hard to staff because the work was quite boring.

The Solution: Insurance automation

Quandri built a bot to automate this process from end to end. It logs into Cornerstone Insurance’s BMS system every day, downloads 300 to 400 policies, reads them using OCR, stores the information, names the policy, and assigns any follow-up activity.

One of the biggest challenges in designing the solution was building all of the logic into the bot. First, they had to sit down with Cornerstone Insurance and map out the process. It was quite complex with a few hundred steps and had to navigate the logic of understanding and making decisions based on over one hundred different kinds of policies. It took time to build in the logic, however, the bot is now correctly categorizing and naming 98% of these policies every single day and is getting smarter with each passing day.

Robocorp was also on hand to help throughout the development process. “Any time we had an issue, they were extremely responsive through our shared Slack channel. This is a huge value point for Robocorp as their developers are always available to help us. We submit an inquiry at night, and wake up in the morning to get an answer.” - Jamieson Fregeau, Co-Founder Quandri.

The entire project, from process documentation to development and implementation was completed in 6 weeks. After the bot was deployed, Cornerstone Insurance reached out to Quandri about a week later to get started on a digital worker  which Quandri is now almost being deployed

The Results

Quandri’s solution achieved initial cost savings of 47% on the process with projected savings of 60% per year after the first year (savings from development and ongoing maintenance costs). The process that took 6 hours per day to complete is now done in 1 hours. Every day, 300 to 400 policies are processed by this bot and with an 83% reduction in processing time, 120 hours are saved every month. 

There were also a number of long-term benefits. Cornerstone Insurance was able to repurpose almost one FTE to high-value work and they no longer needed to staff a mundane and repetitive job that was notoriously hard to staff. Because the process is now done when they show up to work in the morning the brokers can get back to customers much quicker than they could previously.

 In the quarter prior, 16,000 policies were processed, the majority of which are now being processed by the bot. 

 The most important metric for Cornerstone Insurance was whether the cost made sense and would this be cheaper than a person. In the end, it was about 50% of the cost savings.

Need help creating automations that will provide cost savings, increase efficiency and time to value? Contact Robocorp’s official partner Quandri and jumpstart your path to automation today!

Or learn more about Robocorp's automation solutions for the insurance industry by clicking here.