How BLV Solutions helped their client to significantly grow their business from one automation with 80% reduction in processing time!

The automation consulting company is enabling small-medium businesses to acquire new customers and increase revenue and employee productivity with affordable intelligent automations.


Time regained to grow business


reduction processing time


gain in data accuracy

Introduction: BLV Solutions

BLV Solutions is a Robots-as-a-Service (RaaS) process automation service provider founded by a group of expert RPA practitioners, based in Sydney, Australia. They offer affordable and end-to-end automation services for small to mid-sized businesses, from initial process discovery, bot development, to ongoing support throughout the lifecycle of each bot.

Before starting the company, the founders accumulated deep experience in the technology through building and delivering over 300 process automations, predominantly using Blue Prism and UiPath.

The BLV Solutions team understands that automations fail when they’re cost prohibitive and are challenging to sustain. The overhead required to support traditional RPA was beyond the means of most companies.

Robocorp changed all that.

“In the past, many businesses couldn’t afford the steep costs of automation. Robocorp enables us to provide cost-effective solutions that make automation accessible to every business.”  – BLV  Solutions

BLV Solutions leveraged Robocorp’s open-source software to enable full-service automation for small and mid-sized businesses at a fraction of the traditional RPA cost.

BLV Solutions’ RaaS approach is particularly helpful for smaller companies who want to reap the benefit of automation without having to employ their own development and run management team.

The Problem

One of BLV’s clients, a small merchandising company that produces custom branded merchandise for sporting and corporate events, was struggling with processing new orders. The client’s use of separate software to accept quotes and communicate with customers was time-intensive and manual.  Time spent on administration tasks was valuable time that staff could be using to close more sales.

 The client had tried to solve this problem using an automation software (Zapier) branded for small business to DIY, but quickly realized it could only solve very simple issues. Solving anything more complex was beyond their team’s skills. The client’s options were to hire a developer just to assist with Zapier development or continue to lose sales due to slow response times – both expensive outcomes.

The Solution

In consultation with the client, BLV Solutions built a robot that runs every time a new order is confirmed by the client’s customer. The bot seamlessly processes the order and updates the deal status in CRM when the customer accepts the quote. It then creates a new project in the client’s ERP system and creates an order confirmation for the customer.

With Robocorp’s cloud-based solution and consumption-based pricing, BLV Solutions are able to provide a clear value proposition to their clients by creating efficient automations that can reduce costs, increase productivity and create value to attract more customers.

The Results

The process automation removed 80% of time on the task, allowing the account managers to focus on closing more deals.

BLV’s bot has also improved the order accuracy. Before creating a new project, the bot performs a validation check. If it discovers missing information, the bot notifies the account manager to add the information. 

The client’s CEO was impressed with this bot solution for several reasons. He now has confidence that all order data is complete and accurate. And, instead of spending their time on admin tasks, his account managers can now focus on growing the business.

Without this automation, the client would have needed to hire two full-time workers to handle the administrative work. This first automation has opened his eyes to what automation can deliver and he’s already planning to invest in additional automations.

 For him, it’s not a discussion of “what can be automated”, but “how can BLV Solutions help me grow my business?”

“Initially our client was looking at automation to free up time, but now has realized the possibilities of growing his business through automation! Our client could not submit quotes fast enough to the prospective customers and now he is looking at using automation combined with machine learning, to instantly respond to customers.” – BLV Solutions

Future Automation Opportunities

The client’s next challenge is their long tail of many one-time customer quotes, most of which are lost due to slow response time. BLV’s new automation, Lightning Quote, helps to capture more of these new customers by providing an instant quote, using machine learning to compare past orders and return an instant quote to the customer.

 BLV Solutions are thrilled to work with Robocorp to make automation accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Transform your business with the power and flexibility of Robocorp’s RPA solution. Reduce costs and significantly increase revenue, efficiency, time to value as well as employee and customer satisfaction. 

Contact BLV Solutions and jumpstart your path to automation today!