Partner Profile: Vuono Group

Vuono Group is a business engineering company focusing on digital efficiency.

January 24, 2022Robocorp

Robocorp relies on its partners to reach end users and to implement our technology. Robocorp’s global network of Partners have expertise in a variety of target applications and industries. 

For businesses interested in leveraging the power of our automation platform, Robocorp recommends connecting with one of our partners. In this Partner Profile serieswe introduce you to our partners and their work. And now it’s time to meet Vuono Group.

Who is Vuono Group?

Vuono Group is a consultancy specializing in digital efficiency: software development, intelligent automation and process design. In addition to automating manual repetitive tasks, they re-design and optimize complex business processes and data gathering.

The company is a part of the 700+ people Futurice family helping its clients to streamline their business operations across Europe. It employs software developers, automation engineers and process designers.

Why Vuono Group Chose Robocorp's Technology?

Vuono Group is not an RPA-only agency, but helps its clients to optimize their business operations holistically. Complex value-adding automation work requires use of technology that allows Vuono Group to go deeper than configuring UI-level workflows. Their automation developers write software applications that for example integrate with business IT systems, data lakes, IOT systems etc. Robocorp, being a highly programmable open source-based platform, enables Vuono Group to achieve both quick wins as well as building truly intelligent automation solutions.

Moreover, Vuono Group differentiates from its competitors with its customer value driven approach. It is important for them to avoid any vendor lock-ins and minimize the total-cost-of-ownership. Great developer resources and Python being a widely accepted programming language enables easy change of developers if needed. Also, Robocorp’s cloud hosting and pricing model offers an attractive cost structure for the customers.

Reactions from Vuono Group's Customers?

Vuono Group takes a holistic approach to understanding and developing business processes. This includes using tools and methods to map the processes, understand what processes make sense to develop, and using a wide modern toolkit from RPA to AI and microservices to actually drive process transformations.

“There is a clear need for intelligent automation. Instead of a pile of dummy bots, a value adding automation team can make our existing IT systems smarter and find ways to improve and optimize our business processes every day.”

-Antti Kleemola, CIO, Outokumpu

Additional case studies and testimonials can be found on Vuono’s site.

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