Robocorp Survey: The State of RPA 2022

June 27, 2022

According to Gartner, robotic process automation (RPA) is the world's fastest-growing enterprise software segment, and many businesses are seeing the benefits firsthand. 

As the Great Resignation challenges companies to stay competitive, leaders look to RPA to help alleviate employee burnout, provide flexibility and purpose, and increase their capacity to deliver services to customers and other stakeholders quickly and accurately.

A recent State of RPA survey conducted by Robocorp uncovered some interesting perspectives from RPA users, specifically IT teams, and found that while the RPA industry is growing, current industry solutions are not meeting consumer standards. The key takeaways indicate a clear need for more robust, more reliable, and reasonably priced technology:

Businesses are investing.

With 67% of respondents investing in technology this past year and another 81% planning to increase RPA investments next year, you can expect to see more companies adopt RPA across the board. 

Top RPA benefits include the speed of task completion, handling of repetitive tasks, and accuracy of task completion. In addition, 34% said that they were investing in RPA because of the ability to adapt the current technology to meet their evolving needs, and 33% said it's the improved customer service it provides them to get up and running quickly. 

Gen1 RPA is not meeting consumer standards.

A surprising 69% of survey respondents experience broken bots at least once weekly. In addition, nearly half (41%) said it takes over 5 hours to fix a broken bot, with some taking more than 24 hours. These results indicated a clear need for stronger and more reliable technology. These issues were particularly high in healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. 

Open Source & usage-based pricing is the future of RPA.

The survey reveals that 56% of respondents would benefit from the speed and flexibility of open-source RPA solutions. But 81% reported that only half or less of their RPA technology is open source. Furthermore, 65% agreed that they would benefit from usage-based pricing.

We’re excited that the State of RPA survey validated many of our assumptions. We look forward to continuing to build the next generation of automation - Gen2 RPA - to help businesses build, optimize, and scale sustainable bots while saving money with a consumption-based pricing model.

To start your RPA journey, click here

To read the full press release, click here

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