Cabel Partners Successfully Stream-lining Their Operations by Leveraging an Ultra-Efficient Digital Workforce

Learn how Robocorp certified partner, Cognitive Automation Labs, successfully streamlined Cabel Partners, an audit firm based in Sydney, Australia, business processes to scale operations.

November 22, 2021Jonathan Parsons, Cognitive Automation Labs

Cabel Partners, an accounting and audit firm nestled in the heart of Sydney's Northern Suburbs has always challenged the status quo when it comes to improving client and customer experience. 

Now with the rapid advancement of intelligent process automation, Cabel Partners has started to leverage the intricate understanding of their business processes to digitize and scale their operations. They are doing this by adding digital workers to action the mundane repetitive work that takes up their employees’ time. This allows them to focus on higher value-adding initiatives further enhancing their customer engagement.

Ray Khalil the current Managing Director of Cabel Partners who has always prided himself in pushing the boundaries of the accounting sector said, “Using digital workers has helped streamline our business operations providing faster turnaround time to our clients and improving their experience. We are living in a world where large technology companies have set the benchmark for what service should look like and we also need to rise to the occasion”.

As Cabel Partners begins to leverage the scalability of its digital workforce they have begun to decouple themselves from the inflationary wages brought on by the skills shortage that currently plague the Australian labour market.

Cabel Partners have partnered with Cognitive Automation Labs to architect, develop and manage their digital workforce, being selected amongst other competitors for their technical prowess and automation capability. They combine this capability with their focus on using next-generation python based automation solutions that are built on top of the highly efficient Robocorp technology platform. This results in automations that are significantly more cost-effective to build and operate allowing them to deliver material value to clients in a very short space of time.

Initially, Cabel Partners focused their automation efforts on administrative processes to generate quick wins such as automating reconciliations between core systems and sites. Using these solutions as a proving ground they are now moving towards automating more complex processes that will allow them to provide dynamic scalability to their backend service processing. This means that they can service a larger number of clients whilst still improving their client experience increasing overall profitability.

Ray views automation as a strategic imperative for the business and leads the automation team directly under his guidance and vision for the firm. He is confident that through a relentless focus on using technology to streamline operations and improve the client experience he will not only create a bright future for both the firm but also an engaging experience for his clients and staff.

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