Announcing the Robocorp Cloud API

Integrate your robot workforce into your existing infrastructure with the new Robocorp Cloud API capabilities!

April 19, 2021

Today we are happy to announce the launch of the new Robocorp Cloud APIs!

With simple API calls, you can now control all aspects of your robot workforce in the cloud, like uploading and downloading robots, triggering them, monitoring their status and getting the results of their work. The new APIs open a world of possibilities to integrate Robocorp Cloud into existing systems. Build dashboards for your customers, showing the relevant statistics for their specific use case. Add a control panel for the robots on your intranet or website, so the relevant people can put them to work at the touch of a button. Integrate your robot workforce with any of your existing workflow and business intelligence platforms to add more efficiency and visibility to your processes. Or, go crazy and launch a robot when someone rings your doorbell or when your smart fridge tells you it's empty! The possibilities are really endless! 😀

Where can I learn more?

Head over to our docs to learn how to set up and use the new APIs.

Can I see an example?

To get inspired for the great things you will be building, check this quick video tutorial, where we upload a robot to the cloud, run it, monitor it and download the files it works on. You will see how easy it is to create your API keys and put them to use in no time!

What about security?

The API keys are always associated with a specific workspace. You get to decide what operations are supported in your workspace for each of the keys. If a key is not needed anymore, if can easily be deleted or recreated.

What's next?

We firmly believe that API access is a vital component of our platform and will enable developers to expand its use in ways that we have not imagined yet. We will continue to expand the features of Robocorp Cloud (some gems are coming out shortly. Stay tuned!), and you can expect full API support for them.

We can't wait to see what you come up with using the power of our APIs!

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